Comprehensive information on geological development and geological setting of the territory is an essential basis for rational search for and assessment of raw material resources, potential sources of thermal, mineral and ordinary groundwaters as well as their optimal use and protection.
This information is also required for the assessment of the territory in terms of its engineering geological conditions, as well as the creation and protection of the environment. These functions are provided in particular by all types of geological maps, which construction and issuing fall within the competence of the State Geological Institute Dionýz Štúr (hereinafter referred to as SGIDŠ) according to the Founding Charter. The basic and regional geological maps according to a special regulation (Act No. 215/1995 Coll. of the National Council of the Slovak Republic) represent state map series.
Publishing activity
The SGIDŠ draws up and publishes the following types of geological maps:
- basic geological maps at a scale of 1: 25,000,
- regional geological maps at a scale of 1: 50,000,
- overview geological maps of regions and topographical map sheets at a scale of 1 : 100,000 and 1: 200,000,
- nation-wide geological maps at a scale of 1: 500,000 and 1: 1,000,000,
- regional maps of mineral deposits and their prognoses, basic hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical maps at a scale of 1 : 50,000,
- regional and overview hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical maps at 1: 200,000 and 1: 1,000,000,
- other special, purpose and thematic maps compiled on the basis of geological information,
The originals of the maps are archived in the Geofond Department of the SGIDŠ. All geological and other maps compiled according to the guidelines of the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic are prepared for printing print either individually or in the form of atlases, subject to the approval procedure (Commission for the Approval of Geological Maps at SGIDŠ).
In addition to geological maps, the SGIDŠ issues specialized geological literature in several editions:
• Slovak Geological Magazine;
• Mineralia Slovaca;
• Geologické práce, Správy (Geological Works, Reports; in Slovak);
• Vysvetlivky ku geologickým mapám (Explanatory Notes to Geological Maps; in Slovak);
• Regionálna geológia Západných Karpát (Regional Geology of the Western Carpathians; in Slovak);
• Conferences, symposia, seminars;
• Monographs and atlases;
• Occasional publications.