International cooperation

Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Geology Agreement between the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Environment of the Polish Republic on cooperation in the field of geology. Agreement was duly signed by the ministers on 10th July 2009. You can download the copy here.   Multilateral agreements (Europe) EuroGeoSurveys…

Oddelenie inžinierskej geológie

Vedúci oddelenia: RNDr. Pavel Liščák, CSc. Inžinierskogeologický výskum rieši inžinierske a environmentálne problémy, ktoré môžu vzniknúť v dôsledku interakcií medzi geologickým prostredím a inžinierskymi dielami, ako aj prognózovanie geohazardov a navrhovanie opatrení na ich prevenciu alebo sanáciu.   Pracovníci oddelenia Inžinierskej geológie RNDr. Liščák Pavel, CSc., vedúci oddelenia Mgr. Dannaj Ivan, PhD., inžiniersky geológ RNDr.…


Projects co-financed by the EU GENDER EQUALITY PLAN / PLÁN RODOVEJ ROVNOSTINewsLatest publicationsOur services Maps and data Geological maps and their text explanations represent extensive monographic outputs owing their content and professional range. They are standing outside the interest of the private sector. Publishing Comprehensive information about geological evolution and geological setting of the territory…