General Meeting of EuroGeoSurveys Directors (European Geological Surveys)

In 2018, according to the decision and mandate of the EGS Executive Committee, the State Geological Institute of Dionýza Štúr will be honored to hold an international meeting of Directors and National Delegates of Geological Services of Europe and Geological associations of America (USGS), Africa, Asia, China and Japan. Principal investigator: B. Žec, A.Klukanová Completion date of…

MINATURA – Developing a concept for a European minerals deposit framework

The task is coordinated by the MinPol – Agency for International Minerals Policy, Austria. The aim of the project is to (1) define the Mineral Deposits of Public Importance (MDoPI) at local, national and EU-wide level, and (2) EU-wide harmonization of raw materials legislation with implementation in individual EU countries. Principal investigator: Z. Németh Completion date…

Slovak Geological Magazine

Through the existence of the State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (SGIDŠ) the Institute has significantly contributed into the research of the Western Carpathians geological setting as well as to the advance in applied geological science in Slovakia. Extensive co-operation of the Institute with other geological entities in Slovakia has guaranteed quality geological information from…

Mineralia Slovaca

Mineralia Slovaca is a scientific peer-reviewed journal, published by the State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr in printed and online versions. The journal publishes original scientific papers, expanding the boundaries of knowledge within the geosciences. It is issued since 1969. Archive of articles on Mineralia Slovaca website enables the online access to full-text papers of…

Raw materials of Slovakia – Yearbook

Raw materials of Slovakia – Yearbook 2022 (Šoltés, Kúšik, Mižák & Kubač, 2023) The Annual Report contains basic information on stocks and mining, processed on the basis of the Reserve List of Exclusive Deposits of the Slovak Republic, prepared annually by the Department of Informatics of SGIDŠ for the Ministry of the Environment of the…