Potential sources of Si raw materials for the production of the high purity silicon

Overview of genetic types of raw materials for the production of pure silicon in Slovakia, characterization of the raw material deposits, determination of types of impurities in the different types of starting materials and methods of their removal, experimental processing of basic types of starting materials. Principal investigator: P. Bačo Completion date of the task /…

Map of minerals deposits

The re-evaluation of mineral raw materials of Slovakia in terms of current geological, geophysical and geochemical knowledge, and especially the addition of new genetic types of mineral deposits that have been investigated during the exploration since the last metallogenetic map was published. Compiling of the map of mineral deposits and then processing the acquired data…

Assessment of chemical status of the groundwater bodies in the territory of the Slovak Republic

– Qualitative assessment of the groundwater bodies; – Updating of delimitation of the groundwater bodies; – Characterization of the groundwater bodies on the basis of new knowledge; – Update of background and threshold values; – Processing maps of bodies of groundwater; – Evaluation of the trends of pollutants in the monitoring points of the groundwater…

Geological Information System – GeoIS II

Building a comprehensive information system in geology – ensuring the collection, preservation and provision of geological information at the level of the current technical possibilities of creating databases, GIS and its accessibility via Internet. Principal investigator: Š. Káčer Completion date of the task / project: 31.12.2018 Form of output: Final Report of geological task