Provision of data

In 2007, the INSPIRE Directive – INfrastructure for SPAtial InfoRmation in Europe came into force, which is an initiative of the European Commission with the aim of creating a European legislative framework necessary for building a European spatial information infrastructure. It establishes general rules for the construction of this infrastructure, primarily to support environmental policies…

Geological maps – maps 1 : 200 000 new

Map sheets of geological maps of new edition of the general geological map of the Slovak Republic 1 : 200 000 (compiled by Nagy, 2010) Prehľadná geologická mapa SR 1: 200 000, list 25 – Bytča MŽP SR, ŠGÚDŠ, Bratislava Potfaj, M. (ed.) Teťák, F. & Fordinál, K., 2008: Prehľadná geologická mapa SR 1: 200 000, list…

Geological maps – maps 1 : 25 000

Basic geological maps 1 : 25 000 (compiled by Nagy, 2010) Nemecká (36-231) Biely, A., Lukáčik, E., Miko, O., Vaškovský, I., Vozárová, A., Vozár, J., 1986 Prešov (37-222) Karoli, S., Molnár, J., Kaličiak, M., Janočko, J., Spišák, Z., 1986 Červenica (38-113) Kaličiak, M., Janočko, J., Spišák, Z., 1986 Herľany (38-131) Kaličiak, M., Janočko, J., 1986 Brezno (36-232) Klinec, A., Biely, A., Halouzka, R., Lexa,…

Geological maps 1 : 50 000 and text explanatory notes to them (compiled by Nagy, 2010)

1. Maheľ, M. & Cambel, B., 1972: Geologická mapa Malých Karpát 1: 50 000. GÚDŠ, Bratislava text explanatory notes were not compiled 2. Baňacký, V. &. Sabol, A. 1973: Geologická mapa Záhorskej nížiny 1: 50 000. GÚDŠ, Bratislava text explanatory notes were not compiled 3. Biely, A., 1974: Geologická mapa Tribeča 1: 50 000. GÚDŠ, Bratislava text explanatory notes were not…

Geological maps 1 : 200 000 and text explanatory notes to them depicted on the that-time map sheet layout (compiled by Nagy, 2010).

Geological maps 1 : 200 000 old Published geological maps from the territory of Slovakia compiled by the SGIDŠ geologists (Alexander Nagy, Ladislav Martinský) Seneš, J., 1962: Geologická mapa ČSSR 1:200 000, L – 34 – I, list Nové Zámky. ÚÚG Praha. Seneš, J., Franko, O., Koštálik, J. & Porubský, A., 1962: Vysvetlivky k prehľadnej geologickej mape 1: 200 000, L-34-I, list…

Geological maps SGIDŠ

Published geological maps from the territory of Slovakia during the existence of the The State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (1940 – present) The Charter of the State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr states that the ŠGÚDŠ is an organization entrusted with the performance of the geological survey of the Slovak Republic, and which, among…

Annual Reports

2010 (pdf 11,3 MB) 2009 (pdf 14,7 MB) 2008 (pdf 15,6 MB) 2007 (pdf 3,31 MB) 2006 (pdf 2,26 MB) 2005 (pdf 7,73 MB) 2004 (pdf 14,83 MB) 2003 (zip 14,27 MB) 2002 (pdf 59,5 MB) 2001 (pdf 15,95 MB) 2000 (pdf 80,13 MB) 1999 (pdf 10,37 MB) 1996-1998 (pdf 10,54 MB) 1995 (pdf 31,02 MB) 1994 (pdf…


Establishment and history of the Geological Institute Since May, 1, 2000  *  GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF DIONYZ STUR.      By the Decision No. 647/2000 – min. of the Minister of Environment SR dated April, 26, 2000 the that time Geological Survey of the Slovak Republic was renamed to State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur. 1996 – 2000  *  GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC By…