Staff List

Name Department Director General Director General Office Department of SGIDŠ Publishers and Promotion Division of Geology Department of Older Geological Formations Department of Younger Geological Formations Department of Raw Minerals and Geophysics Department of 3D / 4D Geological Modelling Department of Special Laboratories Department of Hydrogeology and Geothermal Energy Department of Engineering Geology Department of…

Konečný Patrik, RNDr., PhD.

Summary After finishing study of geology in Bratislava at Faculty of Natural Sciences Comenius University he was accepted to the Geological Institute of Dionyz Štúr in Bratislava to the Electron Microprobe Laboratory, where he persisted up today. Here he improves existing analytical procedures, develops new analytical strategies and also enhances rock geochronology based on the…

Zoznam zamestnancov

Name Department Director General Director General Office Department of SGIDŠ Publishers and Promotion Division of Geology Department of Older Geological Formations Department of Younger Geological Formations Department of Raw Minerals and Geophysics Department of 3D / 4D Geological Modelling Department of Special Laboratories Department of Hydrogeology and Geothermal Energy Department of Engineering Geology Department of…

Korábová Katarína, RNDr., PhD.

Zhrnutie Katarína Žecová, rod. Korábová, pracuje v Štátnom geologickom ústave D. Štúra od roku 1988. V rokoch  1988 až 1991 pracovala v oddelení biostratigrafie  v Geologickom ústave D. Štúra v Bratislave. Od roku 1991 pracuje v regionálnom centre v Košiciach. Hlavné oblasti výskumu sú mikropaleontológia vápnitých nanofosílií, paleoekológia, paleooceánografia, biostratigrafia a mezozoická a paleogénna zonácia hlavne flyšových sedimentov Západných Karpát. Štúdium na Prírodovedeckej fakulte…