
Sale of geological maps and publications Welcome to the e-shop of the State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr. As our e-shop offers geological maps and publications exclusively from the SGIDŠ production, it is only in the Slovak language. Despite, there are many titles available in English: Slovak Geological Magazine, numerous articles in the journal Mineralia…

Geological Works, Reports (GPS)

About journal ISSN 0433 – 4795 ISSN (On-line) 2453 – 9767 Geologické práce, Správy (Geological studies, Reports) is an open access peer-reviewed journal, published by the State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr since 1954. The aim of the journal is to inform about the latest research results from all disciplines of geology (regional geology, tectonics,…

Publishing activity

Publishing activity Comprehensive information on geological development and geological setting of the territory is an essential basis for rational search for and assessment of raw material resources, potential sources of thermal, mineral and ordinary groundwaters as well as their optimal use and protection. This information is also required for the assessment of the territory in…