Central Geological Library

The Central Geological Library (CGL) is an information center and specialized library with nationwide scope, focusing on geology and other geoscience disciplines. It is a coordinating, methodical and consulting workplace for the libraries of the regional centers of the SGIDŠ. Library services Loan services Absentee – only for SGIDŠ employees (borrowing documents outside the library…

Opinion on land use planning

Pursuant to § 20 of Act no. 569/2007 Coll. on geological works (geological law), as amended, the results of geological works are used in spatial planning. Territorial planning authorities and water management authorities proceed in accordance with the results of geological work, especially in relation to mineral deposits, amounts of water in hydrogeological units, old…

Commencement Notice for Geological Works

Pursuant to § 13 of Act no. 569/2007 Coll. on geological works (geological law), as amended, the contractor shall notify the State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr (SGIDŠ) of each geological work defined in the geological law no later than on the day of initiation of the geological task. All announced geological works are registered…

Exploration Areas

Exploration Areas (EA) is legislatively described in § 21  of Act no. 569/2007 Coll. on geological works (geological law) as a space defined on the surface by a closed geometric figure with straight sides without free surfaces, bounded below the surface by vertical planes with passing sides, in which selected geological works (repository geological survey…