Licenses and citations

SGIDŠ makes information available on this portal in accordance with applicable legislation freely and free of charge through services and applications. Storage services according to the INSPIRE directive allow direct access to all available data and, where possible, the download of complete files or their parts. All data available for download is subject to the… portal

eGovernment in Slovakia began its journey in 1995 with the adoption of Act No. 261/1995 Coll. on public administration information systems. eGovernment or informatization (electronicization) of society is based on the principle of using information and communication technologies within public administration institutions. One of the main goals of the GeoIS project was the construction of…

Catalogue Services

The catalogue service allows to search for continuously updated spatial data and service metadata from all datasets placed in the SGIDŠ data store based on search criteria. Users of the Geoportal can view these data in addition to obtaining detailed information through the map service. This system also allows to register other catalogue services. Users…

SGIDŠ Geoportal

Welcome to the SGIDŠ Geoportal   The Geoportal is one of the main outcomes of the Geological Information System GeoIS project. It enables to access spatial data and services via the Internet. In a flawless way, you can add layers and create a custom map composition in 2D or 3D view. Under the umbrella of…

Sediment-quality Information, Monitoring and Assessment System to support transnational cooperation for joint Danube Basin water management (SIMONA)

1.6.2018 – 31.5.2021 Project co-funded by the European Union ERDF Contribution: 1201583,24 IPA Contribution: 192418,75 ENI Contribution: 92777,5 Overall Budget in Euro: 1749152,38   SIMONA is a European project under the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme (DTP), co-financed by the European Union. The SIMONA partnership has 17 full partners (11 ERDF, 4 IPA and…