Grexová, S., Danková, Z., Surový, M., Kotuč, J., Adzimová, K., Bekényiová, A. & Šottník, P., 2024: Methodology and results of geological survey of the environmental burdenof the former Slovenský hodváb plants – Senica (Slovakia) [Použitá metodika a výsledky geologického prieskumu environmentálnej záťaže bývalých závodov Slovenský hodváb Senica]. Mineralia Slovaca, 56, 2, 195 – 214.
Abstract: In the years 2021–2023, the State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr, Slovakia, carried out a detailed geological survey of the environmental burden on the Senica site, identified as a probable environmental burden with a high priority within the project Geological survey of selected environmental burdens ŠGÚDŠ-3. The task was carried out in accordance with the strategic planning document for a systematic survey and removal of environmental burdens entitled State Program for Remediation of Environmental Burdens of the Slovak Republic (2016–2021) within the Operational Program of Environmental Quality. The goal of the survey was a detailed verification of all components of the environment at locations that, based on a preliminary risk assessment in the information system of environmental burdens, represented a potential risk for human health and the environment. The survey verified in detail an area of approximately 37 ha, on which 210 chemical indicators were analytically determined from a wide range of indicators according to the type of activity of the former Slovenský hodváb plants, which were evaluated in accordance with the current applicable legislation in the field of environmental burdens. The results of the survey did not confirm serious pollution of the underground water and rock environment, which would be in a causal or spatial context. An environmental and health risk was not detected by the risk analysis, it is not necessary to carry out remediation of the investigated area.
Key words: probable environmental burden, information system of environmental loads, geological survey of the environment, risk analysis