Marko, F., 2024: Neo-Alpine fault controlled crustal blocks dynamics recorded by distribution of the Internal Western Carpathian Neogene basins and core mountains [Neoalpínska geodynamika kôrových segmentov ohraničených zlomami, dokumentovaná na príklade západokarpatských neogénnych bazénov a distribúciejadrových pohorí]. Mineralia Slovaca, 56, 2, 143 – 152.


Abstract: In the Miocene epoch, the crust of eastward escaping Carpathian units was segmented by faults to independently moving tectonic blocks. Contemporaneously with invasion of the Carpathian units to the subducting oceanic embayment situated in the North European platform, syntectonic sedimentation took place on these moving tectonic blocks. The Neogene basins of the Internal Western Carpathians (IWC) reflect basin basement movement activity and can be from the point of view of their position in the orogen, basement dynamics and tectonic style divided to three geodynamic types: i) Large Middle Miocene-Pliocene back-arc, thermal-subsidence basins related to the mantle upwelling, ii) Early-Middle Miocene inter-arc fault-controlled basins, or their rotated and tilted remnants situated inside the Carpathian Shear Corridor (CSC) – a boundary strike-slip shear zone of extruded IWC crustal segment; iii) tectonically separated parts of  disintegrated Internal Western Carpathian Early Miocene-Pliocene molasse basin,  situated within strongly deformed peri-Klippen and Klippen zone, representing strike-slip tectonic interface between mutually rotated Internal and External Western Carpathian domains. The crustal block dynamics is reflected simultaneously in the core mountains distribution. The youngest core mountains (AFT age 9–22 Ma) are geneticaly related to and situated inside the CSC, which was interrupted by northward shifted tectonic block, explaining the outstanding position of the Malá Fatra Mts.

Key words: faults, block dynamics, Neogene basins, core mountains, Internal Western Carpathians