Currently, the knowledge and experience of geologists significantly assist in the protection of the environment. The contribution of the geologic community is influencing awareness of human society (and in particular of the younger generation) by way of preparation and issuing the whole spectrum of geological publications (books, maps, etc.) about nature, about its past, present and future. Within this broad spectrum of publications appropriately fits also the edition of Educational Geological Maps. The purpose of these maps is to bring a wide range of new knowledge about the geological setting, natural formations, tourist attractions, living and inanimate nature of individual regions of Slovakia and about the mutual relations between these components of the environment. The experience of several countries allows to assume that geological maps are a great asset:
1. for the development of tourism and geotourism;
2. for the general development of the knowledge of the residents about the geological setting of the region;
3. for popular-scientific, promotional and awareness-raising goals;
4. as teaching aids for primary and secondary schools in visual teaching of science subjects in nature, in the preparation and implementation of school excursions and excursions into the countryside.
Professinal quarantee: RNDr. Pavel Liščák, CSc.;
tel: 02/593 75 160; e-mail: pavel.liscak[at]