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Obsah – Content
Roth, Zdeněk Strukturbeziehungen des Sedimentationsgebietes der Flyschzone der Westkarpaten zum Karpatenvorland und den Zentralkarpaten |
5 |
Maheľ, Michal Folding phases and formations of the West Carpathian Mesozoic |
23 |
Maheľ, Michal Several tectonic styles, the influence of rock properties and orientation of overturns in Central Carpathian Mesozoic |
39 |
Scheibner, Ervín Relationship between material and tectonic style, and selective tectonics in the klippen belt of West Carpathians |
59 |
Biely, Anton Beitrag zur Kenntnis des inneren Baues der Choč-Einheit |
69 |
Zelman, Julián Relation between the competency and incompetency of the rock of the epimetamorphosed Mesozoic series of the Liptovská Teplička district and fold structure |
79 |
Klinec, Albín Several tectonic structures from the West Carpathian crystalline masses and their interpretation |
85 |
Fusán, Oto, Snopko, Laurenc Bauelemente der Gemeriden |
89 |
Rozložník, Ladislav The relation between faults and foliation in the „shear zone“ of the Dobšiná vicinity |
103 |
Buday Tibor Some problems of the origin and development of the fault-structures in the Neogene Carpathian basins |
113 |
Buday, Tibor Comments on the problems of the folding phases in the Neogene of the West Carpathians |
121 |
Seneš, Ján Chronological position of synsedimentary tectonics in the sedimentary cycle |
127 |
Dlabač, Mikuláš, Mořkovský, Milan Einige Bemerkungen zur Tektonik des Neogenes der Dyje-Svratka Senke und der Senke von Vyškov |
133 |
Vass, Dionýz Tectonic mobility and its effect upon the Miocene sedimentation of the Ipeľská kotlina Basin |
145 |
Jaroš, Josef Die tektonische Entwicklung der Depression von Banská Bystrica während des Tertiärs |
151 |
Stránik, Zdeněk Tectonic structure of the southern part of the Ždánice unit |
155 |
Marschalko, Robert Sedimentary slump folds and the depositional slope |
161 |
Snopko, Laurenc Study of deformation elements developed in the Handlová landslide |
169 |
Kuthan, Miroslav Tectonic deformations of the Central Slovakia neovolcanic region and the relations between the volcanism and tectonics |
185 |