Health indicators

The list of 30 selected health indicators with the most significant relationship with the environment (average value for 10-year period – 1994-2003)

block contents abbr unit data map
age characteristics
1 life expectancy at birth – Men DOZM years Indicator 1_DOZM_data.pdf Indicator 1_DOZM.pdf
2 life expectancy at birth – Women DOZZ years Indicator 2_DOZZ_data.pdf Indicator 2_DOZZ.pdf
3 proportion of population at age 60 and more V60A % Indicator 3_V60A_data.pdf Indicator 3_V60A.pdf
4 proportion of population at age 85 and more V85A % Indicator 4_V85A_data.pdf Indicator 4_V85A.pdf
reproduction healths
5 birth rate BIR Indicator 5_BIR_data.pdf Indicator 5_BIR.pdf
6 general fertility rate GFR Indicator 7_GFR_data.pdf Indicator 6_GFR.pdf
7 low birth weight rate (LBW below 2500 g) POD % Indicator 7_POD_data.pdf Indicator 7_POD.pdf
8 spontaneous abortion ratio SPOT Indicator 8_SPOT_data.pdf Indicator 8_SPOT.pdf
9 crude mortality rate – Men HUM Indicator 9_HUM_data.pdf Indicator 9_HUM.pdf
10 crude mortality rate – Women HUZ Indicator 10_HUZ_data.pdf Indicator 10_HUZ.pdf
11 indirect standardization (to age): standardized Mortality Ratio – Population SMRV % Indicator 11_SMRV_data.pdf Indicator 11_SMRV.pdf
12 indirect standardization (to age): standardized Mortality Ratio – Men SMRM % Indicator 12_SMRM_data.pdf Indicator 12_SMRM.pdf
13 indirect standardization (to age): standardized Mortality Ratio – Women SMRZ % Indicator 13_SMRZ_data.pdf Indicator 13_SMRZ.pdf
premature mortality
under age 65
14 proportion of premature deaths – Men (under 65) PUM % Indicator 14_PUM_data.pdf Indicator 14_PUM.pdf
15 proportion of premature deaths – Women (under 65) PUZ % Indicator 15_PUZ_data.pdf Indicator 15_PUZ.pdf
16 proportion of premature deaths – natural causes (under 65) PUSBU % Indicator 16_PUSBU_data.pdf Indicator 16_PUSBU.pdf
17 potential years of life lost per 1 man death PYLL1M years Indicator 17_PYLL1M_data.pdf Indicator 17_PYLL1M.pdf
18 potential years of life lost per 1 woman death PYLL1Z years Indicator 18_PYLL1Z_data.pdf Indicator 18_PYLL1Z.pdf
19 potential years of life lost per 100 000 of population PYLL100 years Indicator 19_PYLL100_data.pdf Indicator 19_PYLL100.pdf
20 potential years of life lost due to malignant neoplasms per 100 000 of population PYLLC years Indicator 20_PYLLC_data.pdf Indicator 20_PYLLC.pdf
deaths rate per 100.000
21 deaths per 100.000 inhabitants – malignant neoplasms REC No. of deaths per 100 000 inhabitants Indicator 21_REC_data.pdf Indicator 21_REC.pdf
22 deaths per 100.000 inhabitants – endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases REE No. of deaths per 100 000 inhabitants Indicator 22_REE_data.pdf Indicator 22_REE.pdf
23 deaths per 100.000 inhabitants – diseases of the circulatory system REI No. of deaths per 100 000 inhabitants Indicator 23_REI_data.pdf Indicator 23_REI.pdf
Indirect age standardized mortality
24 indirectly standardized mortality ratio – malignant neoplasms SMRC % Indicator 24_SMRC_data.pdf Indicator 24_SMRC.pdf
25 indirectly standardized mortality ratio – malignant neoplasms of digestive organs SMRC1526 % Indicator 25_SMRC1526_data.pdf Indicator 25_SMRC1526.pdf
26 indirectly standardized mortality ratio – malignant neoplasms of respiratory and intrathoracic organs SMRC3039 % Indicator 26_SMRC3039_data.pdf Indicator 26_SMRC3039.pdf
27 indirectly standardized mortality ratio – ischaemic heart diseases (myocardial infarction and chronic ischaemic heart disease) SMRI2125 % Indicator 27_SMRI2125_data.pdf Indicator 27_SMRI2125.pdf
28 indirectly standardized mortality ratio – cerebral infarction and strokes SMRI6364 % Indicator 28_SMRI6364_data.pdf Indicator 28_SMRI6364.pdf
29 indirectly standardized mortality ratio – diseases of the respiratory system (no neoplasms) SMRJ % Indicator 29_SMRJ_data.pdf Indicator 29_SMRJ.pdf
30 indirectly standardized mortality ratio – diseases of the digestive system (no neoplasms) SMRK % Indicator 30_SMRK_data.pdf Indicator 30_SMRK.pdf

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