Data linking of environmental and health indicators

Examples of canculations by method of neural network analysis (Action A4) – for geological environment – Neogene volcanics (only in Slovak)


- Influence of environmental indicators on health indicators Neovulkanity_Podzemna_voda_vplyv_EI_na_ZI

- Order of 15 environmental indicators with the highest influence on selected groups of health indicators Neovulkanity_Podzemna_voda_vplyv_EI_na_skupiny_ZI

- Limit and optimal contents of 10 the most influential environmental indicators in relation to evaluated health indicators Neovulkanity_Podzemna_voda_vplyvne_prvky_limity


- Influence of environmental indicators on health indicators Neovulkanity_Poda_vplyv_EI_na _ZI

- Order of 15 environmental indicators with the highest influence on selected groups of health indicators Neovulkanity_Poda_vplyv_EI_na _skupiny_ZI

- Limit and optimal contents of 10 the most influential environmental indicators in relation to evaluated health indicators Neovulkanity_poda_vplyvne_prvky_limity

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