Project title: The impact of geological environment on health status of residents of the Slovak Republic


Project code: LIFE 10 ENV/SK/086

Project location: total territory of Slovac Republic

Budget info: total amount: 418 112 €
                     EU Co-funding: 207 273 €

Coordinating Beneficiary: State Geological Institute of Dionyz Stur

Duration: start: 1. september 2011
                end: 31. august 2015

Brief description of the project:
Geological structure of the Slovak Republic is particularly varied. It reflects different geochemical background that has various influences (positive or negative) on human health. Anthropogenic contamination of geological environment, documented on about 10 % of Slovak territory, plays also an important role. Up-to-date surveys suggest that human organism reacts with various health response on different geological (geochemical) bedrock. Mainly sedimentary and carbonatic rocks emit from geological bedrock group of chemical elements favourable for human health. On the other hand, silicate rocks (volcanics, granitoids and crystalline schists) are characterized by deficit contents of chemical elements necessary for human health. These facts may have influence on the occurrence of areas in the territory of the Slovak Republic (districts, municipalities, group of municipalities) where average lifetime of resident population is significantly lower and where increased incidence of various diseases (2 – 5 times), mainly those cardiovascular and carcinogenic is observed in comparison with average values for the Slovak Republic.
The influence of anthropogenic contamination of geological environment and that of naturally conditioned geological environment on human health of the Slovak Republic will be studied and assessed in this project.

The main objective of the project is “the reduction of negative impact of geological environment on health status of residents of the Slovak Republic”.

The target objective will be reached mainly by:
•    compilation of data set of environmental and health indicators with mutual influence on human health,
•    specification and characteristics of the areas with impaired health status of residents in the Slovak Republic due to unfavorable contaminated or naturally conditioned geological environment,
•    definition of limit values for environmental indicators (soils and groundwater) based on human health effects,
•    elaboration of the proposal of measures to be taken in order to reduce negative impact of geological environment on the health status of residents,
•    implementation of proposed measures and environmental-health education.
Contact: stanislav.rapant(at)


Project team members (Technical staff):

doc. RNDr. Stanislav RAPANT, DrSc. Project Manager, Scientific Coordinator
Mgr. Renáta TESAŘOVÁ Financial Manager
Mgr. Veronika CVEČKOVÁ Coordinator for Geology, Coordinator for elaboration of the proposal of measures
Mgr. Katarína FAJČÍKOVÁ, PhD. Coordinator for Linking Environmental and Health Indicators, Coordinator for Environmental Analysis
RNDr. Ladislav MARTINSKÝ Coordinator for Dissemination Activity
Ing. Kristína LACENOVÁ Coordinator for Website
Jana BUDÍNOVÁ Accountant
MUDr. Zuzana DIETZOVÁ Coordinator for Health
MUDr. Darina SEDLÁKOVÁ, MPH Epidemiologist

Steering committee members:

RNDr. Roman Hangáč Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, Department of geology and natural resources
Mgr. Zuzana Fáberová Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, Department of environmental programmes and projects
Marta Herrmannová, PhDr. Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, Department of environmental politics, EU issues and legislation
Ing. Ján Janiga, CSc. Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic, Department of environmental assessment and management
Ivana Blanáriková, PhDr. Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic,
Department of health
Ing. Gabriel Kuliffay Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic
MUDr. Alena Cvopová Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic
RNDr. Peter Malík, CSc. State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr




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