Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2015

Paper title: “Chemical composition of groundwater and relative mortality for cardiovascular diseases in the Slovak Republic”
paper was published in the international scientific magazine in online version  DOI 10.1007/s10653-015-9700-5


Data linking of environmental and health indicators

Examples of canculations by method of neural network analysis (Action A4) – for geological environment – Neogene volcanics (only in Slovak)


Data linking of environmental and health indicators

Examples of canculations by method of neural network analysis (Action A4) – for geological environment – Paleogene (only in Slovak)


Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Vol. 36, No. 2, April 2014

The paper reporting partial results of the project GEOHEALTH presented on the International conference SEGH 2013, Toulouse, France by members of research team of the project was published in full version in the international magazine Environmental Geochemistry and Health.



In 23. – 25. September 2013, Smokovec, Slovak Republic , the members of project team have actively participated and presented partial results of the project on 21st International conference   “ŽIVOTNÉ PODMIENKY A ZDRAVIE”

oral presentation for download: Geologická stavba a jej potenciálny dopad na zdravotný stav obyvateľstva Slovenskej republiky (only in Slovak)

publication for download: Rapant et al ZPa Z2014 (only in Slovak)


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