Newsletter 5

The next 5th issue of our newsletter deals with updated information about partial outputs of the project Geohealth.

for download: Newsletter_5_issue


Seminar GEOHEALTH, 27. April 2016

information available only in Slovak


Fuzzy c-analysis of health indicators

Short report dated to 02.01.2016, action A4: “Linking of environmental and health indicators”

Results of fuzzy c-analysis of health indicators of the Slovak Republic are available for download (only in Slovak):

for districts: Fuzzy c analyza_vyhodnotenie vysledkov okresy

for municipalities:


IV. session of Steering committee

In December 10th, 2015 the fourth session of the Steering committee of the project Geohealth was organized . The record is available in Slovak: zapis_LIFE_IV_RV_086_dec2015


Progress report 3

Progress report 3 covering the project activities from 11.10.2014 to 10.11.2015 is now available for download

LIFE10 ENV SK 086_progress_report3 final


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