International conference SEGH 2015

31st international conference SEGH 2015 was organized in June 22-26 2015 within the project Geohealth. During the conference project results were disseminated.

The official language of the event was English.










More details about the conference can be found at conference webpage presented by project team members in the form of oral lecture and posters are published in Book of abstracts that can be downloaded here.


Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2015

Paper title: “Chemical composition of groundwater and relative mortality for cardiovascular diseases in the Slovak Republic”
paper was published in the international scientific magazine in online version  DOI 10.1007/s10653-015-9700-5


Conference “Geochémia 2014″

In December 04.-05.2014 the conference “Geochémia 2014″ was organized in Bratislava. Partial project results were presented in the form of poster presentations. (only in Slovak)

Papers for download:

Geochemia2014_Sipos_Skultetyova_Rapant    Geochemia2014_Skultetyova_Rapant

Posters for download:

Geochemia2014_poster_1      Geochemia2014_poster_2


“Banské lokality zdravie nepokazia”

Newspaper article presenting the partial results of the project was published in daily newspaper SME in 17.12.2014 (only in Slovak)










On-line article was published 16.12.2014,


Newsletter 4

The next 4th issue of our newsletter deals with updated information about partial outputs of the project Geohealth and about the details on forthcoming international conference SEGH 2015.

for download: Newsletter_4_issue


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