IIIrd session of the Steering committee

In December 10th, 2014 the third session of the Steering committee of the project Geohealth was organized . The record is available in the Slovak: Geohealth_RV_2014


Newsletter 4

The next 4th issue of our newsletter deals with updated information about partial outputs of the project Geohealth and about the details on forthcoming international conference SEGH 2015.

for download: Newsletter_4_issue


Czech – Slovak Hydrogeochemical Seminar

During 9th-10th October 2014 Czech – slovak hydrogeochemical seminar was organized with participation of team members of project Geohealth and their presentation of project partial results.

Presentations for download:

HGCH Praha2014_pptx (only in Slovak)

Praha_2014_Cveckova (only in Slovak)



European Journal for Biomedical Informatics 2014

Scientific article entitled “Historical mining areas and their influence on human health” was published in the international magazine “European Journal for Biomedical Informatics”, vol. 10, Issue 1 in on-line version on the webpage

article for download: Rapant_et_al_2014_EJBI_online version


Chemical composition of groundwater and relative mortality for cardiovascular diseases in the Slovak Republic

Short report 15.09.2014, Action A4 “Linking of environmental and health indicators”


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