Data linking of environmental and health indicators

Examples of canculations by method of neural network analysis (Action A4) – for geological environment – Paleogene (only in Slovak)


Data linking of environmental and health indicators

Examples of canculations by method of neural network analysis (Action A4) – for geological environment of the Slovak republic as a whole (only in Slovak)


Conference “Geochémia 2014″

In December 04.-05.2014 the conference “Geochémia 2014″ was organized in Bratislava. Partial project results were presented in the form of poster presentations. (only in Slovak)

Papers for download:

Geochemia2014_Sipos_Skultetyova_Rapant    Geochemia2014_Skultetyova_Rapant

Posters for download:

Geochemia2014_poster_1      Geochemia2014_poster_2


Progress report 2

Progress report 2 covering the project activities from 10.08.2013 to 10.10.2014 is now available for download

LIFE10 ENV SK 086_progress_report2_EN_final


“Banské lokality zdravie nepokazia”

Newspaper article presenting the partial results of the project was published in daily newspaper SME in 17.12.2014 (only in Slovak)










On-line article was published 16.12.2014,


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