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The population of the Slovak Republic living in the silicate geological environment (granites, crystalline schists, volcanics) have significantly worse health status (increased mortality for selected diseases) and shorter life expectancy due to deficit contents of calcium and magnesium in geological environment, mainly in the drinking groundwater. Probably similar is the situation also in other countries of the EU. We find necessary to inform people living in such unfavourable geological environment about this fact so they are able to realize easy measures (additional supply of Ca and Mg from other sources) to prevent these risks.



Informative meetings, Spring 2016

During Spring 2016  informative meetings at occasion of the end of the project Geohealth were organized.

More detail information is available only in Slovak.



Environmental Geochemistry and Health 2016

Paper title: “Chemical composition of groundwater/drinking water and oncological disease mortality in Slovak Republic”

paper was published in the international scientific magazine in online version


Impact of chemical composition of groundwater/drinking water on health status of inhabitants of the Slovak Republic and proposal of limit values for influential elements

Short report, 22.03.2016, Action A4 “Linking of environmental and health indicators”


Newsletter 5

The next 5th issue of our newsletter deals with updated information about partial outputs of the project Geohealth.

for download: Newsletter_5_issue


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