The evaluation of impact of geological environment on health status of residents of the Slovak Republic

Short report (17.07.2013) – deliverable of project action A5 “Environmental analysis”


In order to assess the potential impact of the geological environment on the health of the population of the Slovak Republic, the geological environment was divided into eight major units: Paleozoic, Crystalline, Carbonatic Mesozoic and basal Paleogen, Carbonatic-silicate Mesozoic and Paleogene, Paleogene Flysch, Neovolcanics, Neogene and Quaternary sediments. Based on these geological units, the databases of environmental indicators (chemical elements/parameters in groundwater and soils) and health indicators (concerning health status and demographic development of the population) were compiled. The geological environment of the Neogene volcanics (andesites and basalts) has been clearly documented as having the least favourable impact on the health of Slovak population, while Paleogene Flysch geological environment (sandstones, shales, claystones) has the most favorable impact. The most significant differences between these two geological environments were observed especially for the following health indicators: SMRI6364 (cerebral infarction and strokes) more than 70%, SMRK (digestive system) 55%, REI (circulatory system) and REE (endocrine and metabolic system) almost 40%, REC (malignant neoplasms) more than 30%. These results can likely be associated with deficit contents of Ca and Mg in groundwater from the Neogene volcanics that are only about half the level of Ca and Mg in groundwater of the Paleogene sediments.


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