Chemical composition of groundwater and relative mortality for cardiovascular diseases in the Slovak Republic

Short report 15.09.2014, Action A4 “Linking of environmental and health indicators”


The study deals with the analysis of relationship between chemical composition of the groundwater / drinking water and the data on relative mortality for cardiovascular diseases (REI) in the Slovak Republic. Primary data consist of the Slovak national database of groundwater analyses (20 339 chemical analyses, 34 chemical elements/compounds) and data on REI collected for the 10 years period (1994-2003). The chemical and health data were unified in the same form and expressed as the mean values for each of 2883 municipalities within the Slovak Republic for further analysis. Artificial neural network was used as mathematic method for model data analysis. The most significant chemical elements having influence on ReI were identified together with their limit values (maximal acceptable, minimal necessary and optimal). Based on the results of calculations, made through the neural networks, the following ten chemical elements/parameters in the groundwater were defined as the most significant for REI: Ca+Mg (mmol l-1), Ca, Mg, TDS, Cl-, HCO3-, SO42-, NO3-, SiO2 and PO43-.

The obtained results document the highest relationship between REI and the groundwater contents of Ca+Mg (mmol l-1), Ca and Mg. Following limit values were set for the most significant groundwater chemicals/parameters: Ca+Mg 4.4 – 7.6 mmol l-1, Ca > 89.4 mg l-1 and Mg 42–78.1 mg l-1. At these concentration ranges the relative mortality for cardiovascular diseases in the Slovak Republic reaches the lowest levels. These limit values are about twice higher than current Slovak valid guideline values for the drinking water.

Full text for download: Short report A4_2014

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